Genel İngilizce Kurslarının amacı öğrenciye temel dil becerilerini (okuma, yazma, dinleme, konuşma) kazandırmak ve bu becerilerin günlük yaşamda kullanılmasını sağlamaktır.
Yeditepe Üniversitesi mezunları ve çalışanlarına, İSTEK Vakfı Okulları çalışanlarına %10 oranında indirim uygulanacaktır.
18 yaş üzeri genel katılıma açıktır.
Eğitim İçeriği
Bir kur 75 saatten oluşmaktadır.
A1, A2, B1, B2 seviyelerinde sınıflar açılacaktır. Katılımcıların dil seviyesini belirlemek adına sınav yapılacaktır. Seviye tespit sınavı sonuçlarına istinaden ilgili sınıflara yönlendirme yapılacaktır.
Eğitim online, interaktif olarak gerçekleşecektir.
A1 Seviye :
Homes and Buildings
Food and culture
Speaking objectives
Jobs, countries, nationalities, family
Describing photos of landscape.
Present simple questions, interview for a survey.
Talk about directions, imperatives.
Make comparisons,
introduce a talk.
Expressing opinion, job interview.
Agree/ disagree, discuss ideas for a new building.
Talk about results of a survey.
Vocabulary and structure
Introducing people, talk about famous people
Months and seasons, weather, landscape.
Regular activities, hobbies.
Places, prepositions.
Sports collocations, adjectives.
Jobs, have/has to.
Furniture, adjectives for furniture.
Un/countable nouns, food.
A2 Seviye :
Festivals and Celebrations
School and Education
The Internet and Technology
Weather and Climate
Sports and Competition
Space and Universe
Speaking objectives
Make suggestions, give a presentation about a festival.
Agree/disagree, offer opinions, debate about education.
Present contrasting information, talk about technology.
Explain consequences, results of a survey.
Talk about advantages and disadvantages.
Giving advice
Describe an object and its functions.
Using body language, plan a conference.
Vocabulary and structure
Present tenses, vocabulary for special events.
Vocabulary for school subjects, verb patterns.
Modals, cause and effect relationship.
Weather vocabulary, future forms.
Vocabulary for sports, present perfect.
Comparatives, phrasal verbs.
Dates, -ed, -ing ending adjectives, suffixes.
Travel verbs, conditionals.
B1 Seviye :
Health and fitness
Discovery and invention
Speaking objectives
Express general beliefs, start a debate.
Past events, talk about a historical figure.
Propose ideas, discuss solutions to problems.
Talk about advantages/disadvantages
Problem solution organization, create an advertisement.
Explain how something is used, talk about an invention.
Ask for opinions, talk about dress codes.
Talk about actions, debate about credit cards.
Vocabulary and structure
Word forms, modals, contrasting ideas.
Relative clauses, past forms.
Adjectives, comparison/contrast.
Negative prefixes, modals for expressing opinions, linking ideas.
Phrasal verbs, preference verbs, using imperatives.
Idioms, Future forms.
Collocations with money, conditionals.
B2 Seviye:
Art and design
Speaking objectives
Predict content, describe charts and data, present data.
Identify contrasting viewpoints, persuade people to agree with you.
Listen for clarification, discuss risk and complete a risk assessment form.
Signposting, explaining a process.
Understand analogies, identify problems and suggest solutions.
Understand digressions, keep a discussion moving.
Infer opinions, participate in an informal debate.
Understand observations and generalizations, mmake comparisons.
Vocabulary and structure
Passive, drawing conclusions, describing a pie chart.
Connecting the sequence of events, scientific research vocabulary.
Emphasis, expressing certainty in the future, understanding and interpreting statistics.
Modals, pauses in prepared speech.
Emphasis in contrasting opinions, verbs vith future meaning.
Intonation related to emotion, connecting ideas, persuasive techniques.
Expressing contrasting opinions, debate statements and responses.
Verbs with infinitives, referencing data.
Eğitimler Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Hazırlık bölümü okutmanları tarafından verilmektedir.
Eğitimi başarıyla tamamlayan ve devam zorunluluğunu sağlayan katılımcılara program sonunda Yeditepe Üniversitesi Katılım Belgesi verilecektir.